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Green Schools

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Top Tips  to Stay Safe

Always be bright and be seen.
Always stay on pavements or footpaths.
Always use pedestrian crossings or lollipop wardens.
Always be responsible near roads.
Always remember the Safe Cross Code.
Always take care when crossing cycle lanes.

Always wear the correct high vis clothing.
Always wear a helmet that fits.
Always check the brakes and wheels.
Always use cycle lanes where possible.
Always use lights in poor light and visibility.
Always use a bike that suits your size.
Never use an ipod, walkman or mobile phone when cycling.

Travelling by car
Always wear a seatbelt.
Always use a booster seat if needed.
Never distract the drivers attention.
Never open doors while car is moving.
Always get out of the car with caution and never on the side where traffic is passing.


Our Garden Story

Beginnings of our School Garden
(May 2015)

The group arrived  bright and early at 8.30am and quickly got down to work on the Outdoor classroom. The space was measured out and then the real work began. We dug and removed the layer of grass and wheelbarrowed the loads down to the bottom of the 'garden'. Then it was raked removing the next layer of soil along with any stones found. Then a load of gravel arrived and this was raked evenly to provide floor space for 'classroom'. Extra gravel was used to provide a meandering pathway through the trees planted earlier this year.We then started work on assembling the raised beds. We then lined the sides and bottom with plastic and covered with soil removed earlier.  See below gallery for photos

Our Latest Green Schools News

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