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Ms. McGuinness'
Fourth Class Blog

Making Inks
Inspired by tales of the Terracotta Warriors found in China, the girls in Fourth Class experimented with making their own inks from...
Shelves for Elves
The girls in Fourth Class made shelves for elves in school this week. Their creativity and originality shone through as every elf was...
Roman Empire Fashion
In small groups, the girls created outfits inspired by clothing from the time of the Roman Empire. Each outfit was sent down the...
Planetarium Trip
We visited the Planetarium in Armagh today as part of Science Week. The girls had a great time learning about space, interacting with the...

Credit Union Art Competition Winners
Well done to the girls from Réalt na Mara who won prizes in the Drogheda Credit Union Art Competition. The theme this year was 'The Joys...

Halloween in Fourth Class
The girls really enjoyed the Spooks Parade today!
Fancy Dress Costumes for Barbie
The girls were busy designing and making outfits for Barbie in school today. I think there are a few future fashion designers in our midst!

Bronze Age Drama
The girls created sets of Bronze Age scenes today using materials around the classroom. They then acted out a scene from a time in the...

Credit Union Art Competition
Pupils in some classes throughout the school are entering the Credit Union Art Competition this year. Pupils from Fourth Class have been...
Trip to Mellifont
Today the girls in Fourth Class visited Mellifont Abbey. They learned a lot about what it used to look like, what each building was used...
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