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Our Achievements Blog

We Are Proud of Our Achievers

Credit Union Art Competition Winners
Well done to the girls from Réalt na Mara who won prizes in the Drogheda Credit Union Art Competition. The theme this year was 'The Joys...

World Book Day Prize Winners-Senior Classes
Four girls from each class in the school were presented with books for the effort they put into their reading.

Chess Tournament
On Tuesday, members of our school’s Chess Club participated in the local Féile Fichille or Inter- School Chess Tournament. They had a...

Well-being Week
Our school celebrated Well-being Week as part of Pieta's Amber Flag Initiative. The week was filled with activities and focused on...

Our 2023 Cultural Assembly
What a colourful assembly we had in our school hall for our Cultural Assembly 2023

Credit Union Quiz Teams
Well done to all our girls who represented our school in the Credit Union Quiz.

December Prize-Giving
Many happy faces receiving their prizes

Shoebox Appeal
It's gre at to know that our boxes are opened by many happy faces at Christmas.

Our First School Assembly
The children heard about the importance of the school rules, especially the first school rule on respecting each other.

Student Council Colouring Competition
Our Student Council Colouring Competition Winners - Theme Space
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