Principal's Welcome

Principal's Welcome
Welcome to Réalt Na Mara Girls School and thank you for visiting our website.
Réalt Na Mara G.N.S. is an all girls, Catholic, primary school which strives to provide a well-ordered, caring, happy and secure atmosphere where the intellectual, spiritual, physical, moral and cultural needs of the pupils are identified and addressed.
As a school community we are committed to providing a safe and intellectually challenging environment that will enable our pupils to become lifelong learners. We view education as not only academic development, but also as physical, social and spiritual development.
We have high expectations of our pupils in learning, showing respect for others and in their demeanour and behaviour. All pupils are enabled to reach their potential with regard to the curriculum and their innate, individual talents. Sport and well-being are given priority with timetabled coaching in Gaelic football, tennis and basketball throughout the year and further engagement after school and on school teams. Other interests can be pursued and nurtured in afterschool clubs such as Art, Chess, Irish Dancing, Speech and Drama, Gardening, Violin and Tin Whistle. Our Homework Club supports parents and children in a positive atmosphere.
Déanaimid iarracht mór an teanga Gaeilge a labhairt agus a spreagadh. Cuirimid béim ar stáir na hÉireann a mhúineadh. This appreciation of our Irish heritage is enhanced through visits to local historical sites, eg Brú Na Boinne, Newgrange, Millmount Tower and Museum, Melifont Abbey, Droichéad Átha and Mornington Tower.